Choosing A Domain Name
Are you considering starting your own business? Have you researched a domain name and you don’t want to invest in one? There is a simple solution to this problem. Start getting your business online. Anyone can do it.
There are many companies that allow you to get a website for free. These sites are a place where you can send visitors, clients, and prospects to and you can even find a host to place your domain. This is called a website which is a place on the internet where your presence can be shown to the world.
Get Started
What you have done so far, and the free website option is a great way to get started. It offers you the opportunity to become found quickly and to test all your ideas out.
However, to make the most of the entire experience you need to develop a website that will drive visitors to your virtual presence with a great domain name. To do so, the domain name is very important. In fact, you want to have your keywords relevant to your niche best implemented in your domain. So how do you find those keywords, how to pick something a person might use to type in their search engine?

The answer to this question will depend on what you are selling and who you are dealing with. For example, let’s say that you are selling a gift certificate for a discount store or are offering to put customers with similar products at a discount in which you sell. You want to make sure that the domain names reflect these keywords. If you sell related items, what you would type into the internet is: discounted gifts, cheap gifts, discount gifts, gift certificates, and so on.
I once had a website that was receiving lots of visitors, it had a good amount of products, it was known for a certain area and yet the domain name…
With Google, you want to search by keywords that I’m looking for. For example, for the word gift certificates, I would search: gift certificates, gift certificate sale, discount gift certificates, sensational gift certificate, Fried SNTP broad band, discount gift certificates, discount gift certificates, promo etc etc.
If you do that with your domain name, this will help you get a site with all of the keywords you want. It is called customizing your keywords.
This process is also known as SEO and it is important to know that how your website is found by the search engines will determine how high-ranking you will get when keywords are looked for on the internet. The client or customer doesn’t think about buying your product; they just want information.
You need to consider what your business needs to drive visitors to your website.

Niche Marketing
If you can just sell products, the domain name won’t matter. If however, you offer solutions to people, then you are looking at what I called “niche marketing.” Meaning that exactly what you are selling, it would be a problem for someone in a particular area or niche. People will want to buy things that solve their problems.
Have you seen people that write about changing their oil? Well, at some point you have to solve a problem.
Do you remember why you buy anything on the Internet? It’s because you have a problem and you’d like something that will fix it? So, use your imagination and write out a list of things you would find useful and would always buy through your business instead.
Understand Your Customers
Once you have all the keywords you want, identify them by their distribution and start writing about them. It doesn’t matter what you are selling, the farther you can get to know what your clients or customers are looking for, and understand them, then is your opportunity to sell to them. The wide variety of the market you have to choose from for your products and service will help you to choose the right keywords that you should have in your domain name. Those keywords are just as important as what you offer.